australian masterclass concert program

About Us

The Masterclass Concert Program consists of two essential components, which are separate but related. The first is a masterclass for the students - especially those already at a level where it might make a real difference to their lives - together with their peers, friends and families. The artist, be it pianist, violinist, cellist or singer, classical or other - someone of international reputation and many years' experience as a performer at the highest level - is able to impart his or her knowledge and experience in the way of a mentor, with helpful tips and suggestions for future development.

This encounter is followed the next evening by a gala concert given by the same performer for the entire school community as well as the wider community. This is a full-scale event of the type one would normally expect to hear at the Arts Centre, the Opera House, or Carnegie Hall, for $100 a ticket, but presented right in the students' home ground - in the school's own auditorium.

The net effect of this Program has proven to be one of inspiration for students and an exciting and memorable event for the community. In many cases the students' eyes are opened for the first time to the glamour and excitement associated with great music performed at the highest standard in an enthusiastic gala atmosphere.

These concerts are also special in that the artist speaks to the audience about the music, in an informative and welcoming way. Artistic director Alan Kogosowski's custom of speaking to audiences in this manner began with his celebrated series of chamber concerts, Schubertiades at Sotheby's, in London during the 1980's and 90's.

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